(updated 05 February 2025)
A friendly club for all
Welcome to Ormskirk Chess Club
*NEW* - Classical Club Tournament 2025
Following several requests, we now have an internal tournament at classical time limits.
This will have an 8pm start.
The time limit will be 75 minutes for each player.
Run in a Swiss format running until the end of the season!
These games will be rated and submitted to the ECF via the LMS system.
Since the games will be rated, players must record their moves.
At present this is open to Ormskirk Club members only.
Weekly Meetings
The Club usually meets every Monday evening from 7:30pm
Aughton Institute, Bold Lane, Aughton, L39 6SG
Click Meeting Schedule link below for this and other known variations!
Meetings Schedule
About Us
We are a small but friendly club that has been running since 1968 providing a venue for like minded souls
to have a game of chess in sociable and relaxed manner.
We submit teams to play in the Warrington League.
We play regularly each week either competitively against other teams or socially among our members.
Don't want to be in our teams, that's fine, join us to have just a friendly game with nothing
more than your pride at stake.
Come along, see what's happening, play, learn, chat, all are welcome.
For further information contact Sean Murphy:
Telephone: 07809 828981 or E-mail: OrmskirkChess@OrmskirkChess.org.uk
Meetings Schedule
Mondays (also some Tuesdays depending on venue availability) from 7.30 pm until 10.30 pm)
at the Aughton Institute, Bold Lane, Aughton, L39 6SG. See Variations listed below.
Attendance Rules:
All people attending are advised that you not allowed to bring your own food and drink to the venue. Please buy any refreshments from the Bar, it helps secure the venue for our future use of the room.
Also note our rules on younger players.
Click here for the location and a map.
Variations on club meeting dates as currently known
Weekly meetings are normally held Monday of each week.
Listed below are known changes to the normal schedule. |
Junior and Youth Memberships
We welcome Junior and Youth players, though the club makes no special arrangements for younger players. Players aged 10 upwards may join for some friendly competition and advice. They may also be offered the chance to join one of our teams and play more competitively against other clubs in the area. Basic teaching of the rules are beyond our remit at present, though friendly advice is always available. Players should to have a understanding of the rules and some basic tactics prior to visiting. We suggest on-line at sites such as lichess.org or Chess.com or from a more formal source such as their school. We offer the chance for a younger player to experience a more mature style of play. Play against other club members of similar age (or otherwise), have fun and improve your game! Some of our strongest players are under 18. |
NB: Please note the club is not registered to look after unattended children. It is expected that a parent or guardian will be present to supervise for the duration of each child's visit. | |
(This also applies to any on-line participation.) | |
back to Meetings Schedule |
Match Fixtures List
The club is a member of the Warrington and District Chess League (WDCL)
Current Season started in September 2023
New Season will be starting from September 2024
We have several teams entered in the Warrington and Disctrict Chess League matching our wits against other nearby clubs. The league is aligned to the English Chess Federation(ECF) which is the main national ruling body for chess in the UK promoting chess playing in the UK and also represents the country in chess matters internationally. All League team players will earn a chess 'grade' which provides a standardised measure of ability across the country. |
An up-to-date list and results can be seen here on the LMS site that is now being used to record match results, replacing the manual process run by the WDCL in earlier years. |
A friendly club, but sometimes it's serious competition!